Today was the Birthday Bonanza at our house. With just three days between the big girls' 4th birthdays, we combined them for one bash that kicked our butts. But the big girls -- and even Baby Who, who partied like it was 1999 -- seemed to have a good time.
We started the day with a frenzied cleaning of the house, a mad dash to pick up the cake and pizza and a strong push for naps. "You have to nap if you want to see your friends and have the party." Yeah, it was blackmail. But it worked.
Then it was off to the nearby bowling alley, where we met their best friends -- Thing One and Thing Two and their Mama Thing -- for a rousing round of duckpin bowling.
Now, I LIKE bowling. Used to go with my folks and my grandparents, and while I was never great at it, I enjoyed it. I found it especially therapeutic when in the throes of a bad relationship: just put a face on those pins and steeeee-rike!
I'm also a bit competitive. So imagine my dismay when my well-ordered plan for which girl went first dissolved into chaos as different girls would bowl each half of the same frame, go out of order, etc. Mama Thing just rolled her eyes as I realized that in the world of 4-year-olds, the only order is "ME FIRST!"
No records were set, but no toes were crushed by the shotput-sized ball, either. All had a good time. Then it was back to the house for pizza and cake and the mayhem that is having two girls opening presents at once.
It's now 9 p.m. and Baby Who -- who refused an afternoon nap because she, too, got caught up in the hype -- has crashed at last. The Big Whos are still going strong, fueled by sugar and the joy that is being 4. Mr. Fixit and I are dragging -- and cringing at the realization we get to do this all again in less than a month, when Baby Who turns 1.
And then comes Christmas!
More wine, please!
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