Saturday, November 17, 2007

Let her eat cake!

Baby Who has turned 1, and we marked the occasion today with cake and gifts.

Little Miss Persnickety was having none of the throw-your-hand-in-the-cake-and-smear-it-in-your-hair foolishness that Who I embraced. No siree Bob, Baby Who just stared blankly at us when we put the cake in front of her. After about 5 minutes of me eagerly saying "Go for it! Smash that cake!" with camera at the ready, I finally got her a spoon to see if that would help. Yes! Apparently, we have a Miss Manners in the works -- it must be way uncool in Baby Whodom to eat birthday cake with her grubby little mitts.

So off she went, smearing a wee bit o' icing in the process -- but nothing resembling the Great Cake Smashing of Who I in 2004. Oh well, it saved me a bath! But she licked the plate clean!

Now, if I could just figure out how to get her to like whole milk ...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A state of neglect

I've been informed that I've been derelict in my duty to update the blog. "Nothing since Halloween???" the adoring masses cry. "What's new???" others demand.

Honestly, I don't have the energy to argue. So even though it's nearly midnight, and the wee Whos will be up way too early, here ya go.

Our big excitement since Halloween has been the big trek out East to show off the Whos to grandma and great-grandma. Over the river, through the woods we went -- stopping at every potty along the way. But we made it there and back safe and sound, and the kiddos were a hit with all who encountered their active little butts.

But I've never been so happy to see my own house and bed in my life. Close to 11 hours in a car with three kids under 5 is not my idea of a good time.

And I'm still wondering how one tiny baby can require me to pack SO MUCH CRAP. Portable crib. Portable high chair. Clothes out the wazoo, because heaven forbid she soil herself and require me to do laundry in a foreign environment. It's just unimaginable. We had so much stuff wedged in the Mazda that it lost its zoom zoom. Make a commercial about THAT, folks!

With that, I bid you adieu. Coming up: The cake-smearing festival, or Baby Who's 1st birthday.