Well, it's our last official day in Guangzhou. We had our famous red couch pictures, which I'll try to post from the Blenz coffee shop that's letting me use its computer for free, and we'll head to the consulate this afternoon. Then it's off to the airport at 7 a.m. tomorrow, with estimated arrival at home at 8:08 p.m. via United. PLEASE let everything go smoothly, as Miss Squirm Worm will be a challenge to keep occupied.
Mom's coming home with a bum left wing -- she took a tumble at the Chen family temple yesterday. Scared the daylights out of me. We had one of our travelmates, an orthopedic nurse, look at it. Don't think it's broken, though there could be a fracture, but she has limited range of motion. But she's a tough bird and is coping.
Leaving China this time is more emotional than before. Partly because we fought so hard for Who III, partly because I know we won't be back for many years -- until the big girls are old enough to understand. We've been blessed with so much from this country that it's hard to say goodbye. Yet no one will be happier than I when we hit US soil.
One of the best parts about this journey, besides getting Cate, was that our coordinator, Catherine, was the same person who guided us during our 2004 trip when we met both girls who eventually became Who I and II. It brings us full circle, and it's been so special to have her with us.
We've also met many lovely people. Today I explained the China adoption process to an older British couple who were dining at the White Swan and wondered why there were so many Caucasian families with Asian babies. We have been blessed with a wonderful travel group. And our friends and family at home have kept us going even when things seemed impossible.
Thank you, all, for what you've given us. Our blessings extend well beyond the Three Whos.
Next post will be from HOME!
It's been wonderful to "travel" along with you to receive Cate. Thanks and have a safe trip home....
Safe travels...
Kristen and Dave
Wilmette, IL
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