Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bumming Out

The stork passed our house by when he flew in from China today. No one at our agency can tell us when we'll be included, because CCAA won't say. They promised to advocate for us as soon as CCAA gets back to work next week. I'm not holding my breath that it'll do much good.

I'd tried to prepare myself for no news this time around. Thought I'd done an OK job, until I got the official word. Then I blubbered like a 3-year-old all afternoon. Nothing like letting the worker bees see management bawling and snuffling to get the tongues a-waggin'!

I think it wouldn't be so hard to be skipped this time if we had ANY CLUE as to when we WILL be up for a referral. But apparently, that's a secret being guarded like Fort Knox. And I really don't want to ride the rollercoaster with each referral batch (the only rollercoaster I ever rode, besides the mini-tree topper at Opryland in my misguided youth, was Space Mountain at DisneyWorld. I got whiplash. Never again!). So I may just have to go into a 12-step program for Internet junkies, banning all rumor sites and other groups.

Good luck with that, right?

But to all those whose stork laid a baby in their arms instead of a pile of doo, hearty congratulations. I know it's been a long time coming, and seeing those precious faces in time for Mother's Day is something you'll never forget.

Off to my wine-soothing pity party now. Sleep tight!

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