How time flies! My big girls turn 5 this week, Who II on Monday and Who I on Thursday. They're not little girls anymore, but teenagers in training (think I'm kidding? Who I informed me yesterday, "Mommy, I need a cell phone." Ack!). They've left Baby Einsteins in the dust in favor of Hannah Montana and are so excited to lose that first tooth that Who I offered to pay the tooth fairy to take it. They never cease to amaze.
We've drawn out the celebration this year, mostly due to my inability to get my act together in time to throw a party. Last week it was a surprise trip to see Steven Curtis Chapman in concert, a two-hour drive after preschool that probably no sane parent would have attempted. Lucky for us, SCC played the first set, so when Who I looked at me at intermission and said, "Mommy, I'm tired and want to go home," we scooted. No offense to Michael W. Smith, whose set we missed, but my Cinderellas were about to turn into pumpkins. But they had a good time while they were awake.
Yesterday was the outing with their BFFs, Thing One and Thing Two and the Mama Thing. We hit a new pumpkin patch and saw four girls run non-stop for two hours. The corn maze was a huge hit, as they tried their best to lose us in the stalks. Came pretty close, too.
No birthday can come without me thinking about their other mothers. So as I kiss them an extra time this week and hold them a moment longer, I'll offer my thanks to their birth mothers. Thank you for giving life to these amazing, beautiful girls. In doing so, you gave me the very reason I breathe.
And for Who II's first adoptive mom, an added thank you, for knowing in your heart that these two were destined to be sisters, and trusting us to make it so.
1 comment:
you are one beautiful, amazing Momma : )
your girls are beautiful and your family precious
Happy Birthday girls, a lil late, but with love from us here in the UK
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