Perhaps a better title for this post would be "Off the Wagon," as I've been informed that I've been sorely lacking as a blogster/blogmistress/whatever you call it. OK, I fess up -- things are crazy here.
But for those who demand updates, here ya go.
Whos I & II are now officially 4.5 years old. They're such big girls now! We've had some ups and downs in recent weeks, including the episode two weeks ago when Who II informed me, "I hate you! I don't want a mom and dad anymore! I don't like this house!" Um, did I mention she's 4, not 14? Oy. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Puberty's gonna kill us.
Then there's Who I, who's decided that when she grows up (which, in her mind, is when she turns 6, the same year she says she'll go to high school), she's going to build a rocket ship and fly her daddy to the moon. When I reminded her that daddy hates to fly, she revised her plan. "Daddy can stay here with Who II and III and I'll take YOU to the moon, Mama!" Sounds good to me. Sometimes, they send me into orbit already!
Baby Who has cracked 20 pounds and is officially the oldest in her preschool class. She's just hit 17 months, so we're hoping they don't rush us into the terrible 2s classroom anytime soon. She's perfected the word "Nooooooo!" and is well into words that start with the letter B: Bird, bubble, bath, baba, and my personal favorite, BUTT! (said as she pats said body part with a huge grin on her face).
Mama Who and Daddy Who are just plain tired. We're staring at house projects desperately in need of doing, wondering how EVERY seal on our windows could fail at the same time, debating the merits of roof vs. fog-free windows or simply pitching a tent in Grandma Who's backyard. Ah, life. Nothing a little MegaMillions jackpot couldn't fix!
But we're finally having some warm weather, so we broke out the little red wagon today after trying Baby Who on the tricycle and realizing she still has the shortest legs in the universe. But the wagon -- she was rocking and rolling! And look at Who I pull her weight and that of her sisters. She's our resident pack mule!
Hope spring has sprung for one and all.